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alergic reaction. defo

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Q: My 3 year old has a painful lump under chin. I thought it was an insect bite but it hasn't gone down in 2 days. Does anyone know what it could be. It is the size of a flat grape?
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Related questions

What is a painful knot at tip of nose?

A painful knot at the tip of the nose could be an insect bite or acne. Consult a physician if it does not go away.

Why do scraped knees and insect bites become red and painful or itchy?

This is not a common occurrence if this has happened to you or someone else please consult a doctor as soon as possible as this could be a fatal injury.

What is a 2 Flying black insect - wasp or hornet?

The hoverfly imitates the wasp but I am not sure of an insect that imitates a bee. It could be a yellow jacket or a hornet, both of which have extremely painful stings. Also, some people are so allergic to their stings, even to the point of it being fatal if not treated in time.

I have a Small lump at the bottom of my shin towards the ankle it is not painful can anyone says what could cause it. It also moves from one side to another and feels like a little ball?

It could just be a cyst.

How do you treat a bug bite that is infected swollen painful and red streaks?

It sounds as if you have the start of blood poisoning from the nice insect that bite you. I suggest that you go to a doctor as soon as possible. If left to long it could have serious consequences.

What kind of horn was in the car of the film the car?

wish i could, thought i would bump to see if anyone new knows the answer. :(

Why did Hitler keep fighting?

Hitler always thought he was correct and could not imagine he could lose. So it was desperation and he really didn't have regard for anyone else.

What is the most painful thing in the world?

it could be anything that is painful from verbal, social or physical

We have found a large insect in our garden does anyone know what it is?

The insect was about 4cm's in length for it's body and had large wings about 4cm's long that we're clear. The body was a dark yellow/brown colour and quite large in length and width, it also had long antennae which we're a red colour. If anyone could help us to figure out what this bug is it'd be appreciated.

How could you use biotechnology a plant from insect damage?

insert genes that produce anti-insect chemicals into the plant !

How could you use biotechnology to protect from insect damage?

insert genes that produce anti-insect chemicals into the plant !

What insect leaves a white powder on the leaves or stems of your plants or shrubs and trees?

Are you sure it is an insect. It could be mildew.