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Your dog will probably be fine, however you should go to the vet just in case. Next time use products with carob in it for the chocolate flavor without all the harsh side affects.

Chocolate, especially Dark Chocolate can be lethal.

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Q: My 5 pound dog ate 1 ounce of white chocolate will she be ok?
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It really depends on the weight of your dog or puppy, and the kind of Chocolate, and the amount the dog ate. No amount of Chocolate is good for a dog to eat. Dark chocolate and baking chocolate are most dangerous to dogs, milk and white chocolate pose a much less serious risk. 20 ounces of milk chocolate, 10 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate, and just 2.25 ounces of baking Chocolate could potentially kill a 22-pound dog. Unsweetened baking chocolate contains about 390 milligrams of Theobromine per ounce (the substance in Chocolate that's toxic to dogs), that about 10 times more than milk Chocolate and more than twice as much as semi-sweet Chocolate. White Chocolate contains very little Theobromine. Serious toxic reactions can happen if your dog eats of about 100 to 150 milligrams of Theobromine per kilogram of body weight. If you think your dog ate Chocolate, call your vet's office, or call animal poison control. You need to get help before your dog shows symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, hyperactivity, muscle tremors, restlessness and rapid heartbeat.

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What happens if a dog eats 3 pieces of chocolate?

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs, so this could be dangerous for the dog. It would depend on what type of chocolate the dog ate. Dark chocolate or chocolate with lots of cocoa in it is the most dangerous, with milk chocolate being less dangerous and white chocolate being the least dangerous. The size of the dog would also affect how dangerous it is, so if a big dog ate 3 pieces of chocolate it might be ok, while it could be very dangerous if a small dog ate 3 pieces of chocolate. The best thing to do is to keep an eye on your dog for 24 hours after he/she ate chocolate and if the dog shows signs of nausea, being wobbly or drinking a lot of water then the dog should be taken to the vet immediately.

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Your 40 pound puppy ate approx about a pound of chocolate is that too much?

It probabably would be too much as dogs even puppies shouldn't be eating that amount of chocolate or any chocolate at all! More info If it was Bakers or dark chocolate you need to take the pup to a vet. Milk chocolate is still a problem but less of a concern, if the dog has vomited most of it up it will most likely be fine. Best to call a vet and find out how to induce vomiting. Like people dogs can be allergic to chocolate and react badly but other dogs can manage small amounts. 1 pound is quite a lot for a pup to handle allergy or not.

Did mayans invent hot chocolate?

yes because chocolate was the only thing they ate for the drink they had hot chocolate

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Does a dog have to have surgery if it eats chocolate?

If he ate just a bit, no. If he ate a ton, he probably won't need surgery, but he should be seen by a vet. Dogs should never have chocolate.