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Make sure that the kitty litter box is impeccably clean, then add clean kitty litter. Make sure the box is in a place (a) where he knows where it is and (b) where he can easily get to it, but that is private. You can move it elsewhere later.

It could also be that the kitten doesn't like whatever brand of kitty litter you are using; try going to a pet/cat specialty shop (not a big chain) and talk to the people there about your problem and ask for litter suggestions.

If the problem persists, talk to your vet about it.

One other thing you can do is to give the cat an especially delicious treat after he uses the litter successfully. Quickly the cat will understand that the litter is a good place to eliminate since yummy treats result. Cats can't be trained with negative training/negative reinforcement (e.g. yelling, hitting, etc.), but they CAN be trained with positive training/positive reinforcement. After a few weeks doing this, if it works, you can then switch to random treating and eventually stop treating entirely. The main thing is to get the cat imprinted on eliminating on kitty litter sooner than later; you don't want a full-grown cat who doesn't like kitty litter.

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Q: My cat poops in the floor everyday we clean the litter box twice a day and he still poops on the carpet. He is only 4 months old. I dont know if he just cant make it in time. What do i do?
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you have to train your cat that its not a good thing to pee on the floor, 1.scold and punish it when it pees on the floor 2.reward and praise it when it uses the litter box this tells your cat that using the litter box is a good thing and peeing on the floor is a bad thing.

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Do you change the kittens litter everyday?

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