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Q: My child is a special needs student and a bully in school?
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What can you do if your child is the bully?

tell the teacher or a deputy at their school

Do you have a case against school if a student brought a knife to school and stated that he was going to stab your child and the school found 2 knives on this student the student is back in school?

yes you can have a case i that is a threat to your child

A child in a school is called?

student, full time student, dependent

What do you do if your child receives a threatening letter in the mail from a school bully?

give it to the school, don't take matters into your own hands

20 Different was to bully a child?

if your question is "20 different ways to bully a child" then why would you actually want to bully a child, its wrong!

What does the principle do with these papers?

If you are asking about a school principle and the papers for a student then I can provide an answer. Each child in the school has a file that follows them through school. This file contains examples of work, test scores, remarks from teachers, pictures of the student, student addresses, phone numbers, and family information. Because of the nature of the file they are kept locked up in the office. In addition to this file if a student has a problem there may also be a file for special education and discipline. These a often kept by the principle and the office as well. When a child moves to a different school the new school requests the files of the student from the old school and these are sent to them. When a child graduates the files are often shredded after a period of time.

How do you tell your elementary school student its okay to be called a Nerd?

Make the term into something positive. Point out "nerd" role models, and make sure that they understand a name doesn't make us who we are. If this is being used by a bully at school talk to the teacher. Empower your child. When a child feels empowered they can deal with things and other children.

How to Select the Right School for Your Special Needs Children?

Choosing the right school for a child is a difficult enough task; it becomes even more complicated when the child in question has special needs. This is an important decision that will affect your child for at least thirteen years, so follow these steps to pick the best school for your child.1. Evaluate the extent of your child’s special needs and how much accommodation you think they will need. You can go one of two ways—a school specifically for students with special needs or a standard school with an integrated special education department. In some cases, children with extensive needs that are very limited in their academic potential do better at a school for special needs students. They have more specialists and are less likely to encounter a teacher who is inexperienced with special needs students. If your child has mild special needs and can function well with children without special needs, an integrated program could be the better choice.2. After you’ve limited your choices to either a special needs school or an integrated program, you can look at all the different options in your district. Look at the statistics for special needs children—what percentage of the school do they make up? How many students have the same needs as your child? How many teachers per student are available? How many student aides or paraprofessionals are available at each grade level?3. Make appointments to meet with the principal of each school, as well as the special education department head and any teachers that would be working with your student during their first year of school. It takes a bit of time to talk to everyone, but they will all be directly involved in the writing and execution of your child’s Individual Education Plan. It’s important to make sure that you are working with professionals who understand your goals for your child and are willing to work with you.4. After you’ve taken all of these matters into consideration, you need to follow your instincts and choose the school that will help your child excel and make them happy. The last step is the most important—if you choose a school with uncooperative teachers, you will end up fighting a long, uphill battle. Make allies of those who are at your child’s school and your child will have a great chance at success.

Does school really help your child?

I highly doubt it, but then again, I am a student.

Why would child get bullied or abused?

A child gets bullied because they are probably smarter than the bully or weaker than the bully. Sometimes the bully bullies that child for no reason at all.

Do private schools teach special need students?

Generally, no, not unless they are for special needs students. Most private schools can pick and choose what student they allow into the school (that is what it means to be "private"). Plus, many private schools do not have the properly educated staff to teach a child that is a special needs child. Many states do not require a teacher in a private school to have a teaching credential. If you are considering taking your child to a private school I would question the administrator of the school about the teaching staff, education, credentials, and to be allowed to visit classrooms. Look at programs and ask plenty of questions.

How do you know if your child is a bully?

He/she will come home from school and won't tell you a bunch about the day, gets sent to the principals office a lot, possibly bad grades, doesn't have many friends. These are just a few examples or clues to if you child could be a bully.