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Yes! they can be irregular up until her twentys, many women have irregular periods to start with and it is perfectly normal.

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Q: My daughter just started her periods and has been irregular Is this normal?
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Is it normal at first to have irregular periods?

Yes, it is perfectly normal to have irregular periods at first. Most girls worry about it at first, but there is no need.

Your daughter is 12 she started her periods is now bleeding for a month is this normal?

OK... wow! i would take her into a doc. this might not be normal.

Your period was 3 days late but you started your period are you pregnant?

No, you are not pregnant. Sometimes Periods are just a little irregular, it is normal though.

Do girls with irregular periods have low risks of pregnancies?

No irregullarity is normal

Why are my periods irregular when they used to be normal?

your period will never be the same everytime

Is it normal to have irregular periods?

No. But its not all that unusual either ... at least 10 % of women have irregular periods. You can get a work-up at your gynecologist, but some just don't have a cause.

Do irregular periods mean infertility?

While irregular periods could be a symptom of infertility, it does not mean one will definitely not be able to become pregnant. Irregular periods could be symptoms of many other conditions or could be normal in some cases.

Your periods are irregular after given birth is this normal?

It can take months for your periods get back to normal, especially if you are breast feeding you can miss periods or have long times between them. You can still get pregnant while breast feeding and having irregular periods though so you should still use contraception.

Is it normal for a 13 year old girl to skip periods?

Yes, it is normal because you probably just started your period. You are usually irregular for your first 2-3 years then your periods will becoem normal. This may also have to do with if you shave your pubic hair cause blood will only come out if you have tons of hair "down there."

Is it normal if im 12 and barley started your period and the next month im twelve days late?

Any girl/woman can have irregular periods. It is not always a bad thing but I would keep an eye on it and if it happens TOO irregular talk to your doctor about it.

I had my period on the 1 now its the 12 is that normal?

Sorry but this question isn't very clear. . . If your period was due on the 1st then that is normal yes. If you are bleeding again on the 12th and you had your period on the 1st then this is normal if you have just started your periods within the last year. If you are on birth control, have irregular periods, are stress or worried about something then this will cause two periods in one month but see your doctor for a check up.

What happens if you miss your period but your a virgin?

don't worry your periods are just irregular. its completely normal.