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Q: My desert box turtle in hibernation was dug up by my dog so will he be able to resume hibernation if I dig a hole for him below our frostline?
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Why is my turtle not eating We are feeding him food pellets and fruit mix for turtles is it because of hibernation?

If your turtle is not eating and you are giving him food pellets and fruit mix it may be due to hibernation. It also may be due to your turtle not feeling well.

How are turtle different from a tortoise?

A turtle has to be wet most of the time but a tortoise can be out of water for along time like for hibernation.

Is it possible that a turtle is a desert plant?

No, a turtle is a reptile, an animal, and not a plant.

Where do turtle doves migrate to in the winter?

European turtle doves winter south of the Sahara desert.

Is a desert turtle a reptile?

All turtles are reptiles

What is the largest breed of land turtle?

The desert tortoise.

Does a turtle hibernate in captivity?

Actually, if the conditions are right, it will. The problem is, what if you lose power and the fridge goes off? What if there is a problem with the fridge and it seems to be working on the outside, but is actually not cold enough on the inside, or becomes dangerously cold? Your turtle could either awaken from its hibernation locked in a fridge with no food or escape, or would die from freezing. All and all, do not put your turtle in a fridge. The turtle gets no physical benefits from hibernation, and it is far too risky.

How do you prevent hibernation with pet turtles?

Depending on the type of turtle, preventing hibernation varies, but with almost all water turtles (red-eared slider; painted turtle) all one needs to do is ensure that the water temperature is atleast 80 degrees Fahrenheit . Make sure there is a heating lamp and a floating log or rock for the turtle to bask on. These can be found commercially at nearly all pet supply stores.

What is the largest turtle?

A turtle is bigger because tortoises are minnie

Why would a baby snapping turtle stop eating?

Illness or disease. Contaminated water. Lost it's snap?

What happens if your tortoise wakes up half way through hibernation?

You should let it sleep because it's the turtle's nature to hibernate during cold months of the year.

What a desert turtle eats?

Herbs, grasses and wild flowers. and fruit