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I have this also, it's just pretty annoying being sensitive to so many things and foods. I take a Zyrtec 10mg every night, it helps.

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Q: My doctor told me that i had vasomotor rhinitis can this be harmful to your body in other ways?
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Ayurvedic medicine like Marichyadi Bati, Vyoshadi Bati, Sitophaladi Churna, Zucamo to treat the symptom of nasal congestion and runny nose due to allergic rhinitis. It is also used to treat the symptoms of seasonal allergy such as sneezing, itching, watery eyes, post-nasal drip, etc. The ingredients of Baidyanth are effective in relieving allergies caused by dust mites, mold, and pollen. It improves the resistance power of the body against allergies and thus reducing the risk of any other illnesses which can be a result of allergic rhinitis.

Can early pregnancy cause allergies or sensitivity to dust mites or other allergens?

Yes!! It's called rhinitis! You can have more sensitive allergies, nose bleeds, and more! Here is a link that explains a lot about rhinitis during pregnancy.

Is pulstilla harmful for a pregnant women?

The homeopathic side can say one thing (not harmful) about this and the medical side another and as always when pregnant you should ask your doctor about all medicines you add during pregnancy and especially with homeopathic ones, herbs and such. Many are not tested and can interact with other medication you are on. So ask your doctor to be sure.

What is Rhinitis of pregnancy?

Pregnancy rhinitis is nothing to be too concerned about. It is simply an "allergy" that has no environmental influences other than pregnancy! Symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, congestion, runny nose and irritated and inflamed nasal passages. It typically is common in the first trimester and lasts about six weeks.

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Zygomycetes are harmful to humans and other living things. Zygomycetes are fungi and an example of this is mold which is harmful when it gets into the lungs.

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