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Q: My female parakeet laid its egg on the perch where she was sitting down it fell down and broke when will female parakeets lay their second egg?
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Is it normal for a parakeet to lay 9 eggs?

Yes, it is. A female parakeet can lay 4 to 9 eggs, laying one every second day.

What do you do if a parakeet has little green poop?

that means it might be sick. If the parakeets usual poop is green that might not mean its sick. But if this is like, the first or second time that its had green poop go to a vet!

Should you get a second parakeet?


What is meant by second sitting?

A second sitting is the second time you put food on your plate.

How long can a parakeet lay eggs?

If she sits on it right when she lays it 18 days if she sits on it after the second one is laid then 20 days for the first to hatch and 18 for the second one to hatch. That's just an average but seems to ring true.

When will a parakeet start talking?

Step 1Prepare the training area. Before you can begin teaching your parakeet to talk, you need to establish a training area where you can interact with the animal one-on-one. The best training area will be a room that is quiet and dark. This allows both you and the parakeet to concentrate better. Anyway, after you have picked out your training room, you can begin preparing it by setting up a second cage. Just make sure that the cage remains empty of toys or other parakeets, since they will distract your bird during training. Only water is needed.Step 2Develop a schedule for the parakeet's talking sessions. Teaching parakeets to talk is something that requires diligence, patience and most importantly time. If you want to ensure your training sessions are having any impact, you will need to talk with your parakeet at least 15 minutes a day. Of course, if you can do 30 minutes or more, you increase your chances of success.Step 3Place a towel over the parakeet's cage. Before you begin your training session, you will want to drape a towel over the parakeet's cage. This allows the parakeet to become less distracted from outside stimuli.Step 4Start the training process. After everything is in place, begin teaching your parakeet how to talk by slowly repeating a phrase. Place emphasis on words that begin with b, t, w, k or p, since these are the easiest for parakeets to imitate. Also, make sure you only repeat one phrase for each session. Do not move onto a new phrase until your parakeet has learned the first one. This might seem really annoying for you, but this is the best method for teaching your parakeet how to talk.Step 5Reward your parakeet. After your parakeet has successfully imitated a phrase, give them a bird treat. This will help bring about a positive association with both 'talking' and its training session.Step 6Give the parakeet something to talk to when they're in their main cage. You will want to try and encourage your parakeet to imitate talking sounds all the time, whether or not they are in their training session. That's why you need to provide either another parakeet or a mirror for them to communicate with. Of these options, obviously the parakeet is better, but if this is not possible you can use a mirror to 'imitate' the existence of a second parakeet.Step 7Use a tape recorder for days you cannot do training. If you can't physically assist your parakeet in a talking session, use a tape recorder to play back phrases.

How do you keep a green parakeet quiet?

First of all the color of your parakeet doesn't effect anything it does. Second, you can't make a parakeet be quiet. They're big flock birds so they always are communicating with one another. Each parakeet is different, I have two myself and one is quiet and only has a few outbursts while the other likes to talk all day long. If you dislike the sound then I suggest giving the parakeet away or getting used to it. Never EVER punish the parakeet by smacking it, spraying it, or anything else.

Is second sitting is confirm reservation or not?

it depends on the weather

How do you move when you are sitting?

we are moving when we are sitting because when we are sitting right now this very second the earth is rotating. We don't feel it but really it is. ya b, call me steve oh

How do you tell if a bird is going to lay an egg?

Usually the cockatiel is very protective over her eggs. I suggest that if she is being a good mother and sitting on them properly, to let her hatch the eggs. this is so that the babys will bond with their real mother and if you cage them together when their older they will not squabble. I suggest you research on how to care for the mother though since she needs a different set of nutrients while egg laying.

Who was the second ever female president?

There haven't been any female US presidents.

When should breed?

at the second female trimester