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Undoubtedly it is.

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Q: My friend had a bone marrow transplant and died when it was rejected- the doctors failed to give immunodepressants is that medical negligence?
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If you already had a kidney transplant and end up with two kidneys if you have to get another kidney transplant does that mean you end up with three kidneys?

There wouldn't be much need for doctors to gave a person a third kidney as the body originally had only two, therefore the third kidney would probably be rejected by the immune system.

How do doctors treat acute leukemia?

chemotherapy or a bone marrow transplant, both.

What were Christiaan Barnards contributions to other doctors and scientists?

he performed the first heart transplant

What happens when you have kidney failiure?

if your kidneys fail completely, then you can go on a transplant list and get a kidney transplant if your kidneys are failing the doctors will put you on dialysis ... trying to keep your blood clean... eventually your kidneys will fail and then you will get a transplant

What was wrong with Michael Jackson's lungs that made doctors say he needed a lung transplant?

This supposed lung transplant need is something that has come from the tabloid press. There is no evidence that it is true.

What if you get sick and 20 doctors mess up and you suffer for 9 years?

Either you die a martyr or you sue each of the 20 doctors together as one suit for complete negligence.

Why do some doctors not believe in cellular memory transference?

Doctors not believe in cellular memorytransference because "These are thousands and thousands of transplant patients who don't report anything".

What tort would form the basis for the complaint movie the verdict?

I believe this would be negligence simply because the doctor didn't intentionally administer the wrong anisthetic. The case itself is over whether the she was deprived due to negligence of the doctors.

Do doctors leave in the other kidney if one is transplanted?

When they do a kidney transplant, they just put in a new kidney. Doctors just attach the kidney to the vital organs needed to go to the bathroom. Doctors do leave the old, used kidney in.

Can you have a baby after a kidney transplant?

Yes you can. Just make sure your body has totally healed and kidney working to the satisfaction of the doctors.

How do doctors diagnose sickle cell disease?

bone marrow transplant is the only known cure of sickle cell disease.

How do the doctors know who is eligible for a transplant?

The patient goes through a "transplant assessment" - blood tests, MRI's, EEG's, ECG's, psychological assessment's, ultra sounds and x rays (and some other stuff) to check that they are suitable candidates. Only if they pass all of these are they considered "eligible" for a transplant.