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Depending on the drop that was used, this can be entirely normal. For most people, a standard dilation drop will wear off after about 4-6 hours. (ie- 1% tropicamide) Some people have been known to stay dilated up to 48 hours. If a stronger drop (ie-1% cyclopentolate) was used, it can last even longer. It's really nothing to be concerned about unless you are experiencing reduced vision and eye pain or nausea with the dilation. Contact your eye care professional for advice if you are still concerned.

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Q: My pupil won't constrict 24 hours after it was dilated with an Eye examination?
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A blown pupil usually refers to a pupil that is completely dilated and no longer responding to light. A blown pupil (also called 'fixed and dilated') is when one or both of the pupils are large and do not respond (constrict) to light. Possible causes may include trauma to the eye, brain injury, pressure or trauma to the optic nerve. Often used in medical drama shows when diagnosing someone who has no brain activity - basically brain dead, but the two are not inextricably inked.

What does it mean to have one dilated eye pupil and one normal eye pupil?

This can be a sign of a serious neurologic disease and, if noted in a pet or a person, should be seen by either a vet (for the pet) or a doctor (for a person). Eyesight is actually somewhat shared between the two eyes, so the pupils dilate and constrict together. To have one eye dilated and one constricted or normal, the neural connection between the two eyes would have to be damaged or destroyed.

What is a dilated pupil?

A dilated pupil is an enlarged pupil that allows more light to enter the eye. It can be a natural response to low light or emotional arousal, or it can be caused by certain drugs, eye drops, or medical conditions. Seeing an eye doctor is recommended if you experience unexplained or persistent pupil dilation.

Can you give a sentence using pupil?

The teacher noticed that the pupil's eyes dilated as they focused on the challenging math problem.

What is an Argyll Robertson pupil?

An Argyll Robertson pupil is a bilateral small pupil of the eye which reduces in size when the patient focuses on a near object but does not constrict when exposed to bright light - a sign of neurosyphilis.

Does the pupil dilate or constrict when the lid is closed?

it dilates because the pupil wants to maximize the amount of light that enters because it's dark behind the eyelid.

A young woman is brought to the emergency room with extremely dilated pupils Her friends say that she has overdosed on cocaine What cranial nerve is stimulated by this drug?

Cocaine can stimulate the dilation of the pupils by affecting the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III). This nerve controls the constriction of the pupils in response to light, so when it is affected by cocaine, the pupils may become dilated.

Why pupil dilated when you are frightened?

The better to see that which is frightening you. In emergency situations, you want to be as well informed as possible.

Does vicidon make your eyes dilate?

No -- rather the opposite. Most opiates, opioid and similar drugs constrict the pupil.

What is the effect of administration of a miotic agent?

Miotic agents cause the pupil of the eye to constrict, or become smaller. Mydriasis is the opposite, making the pupil dilate like when you go to the eye doctor.

What does dilacid means?

Dilacid is not a word. Dilated means how much the cervix (or womb) has opened. Dilated pupil means that there is a disease of the eye, which is basically caused by slimming down of the dilator muscle of the iris.

How can you use dilation in everyday life?

When an architect makes blueprints for a house those blueprints are later dilated by construction workers. When someone is constantly itching their eye their pupil gets dilated. Hope that helps! :)