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If your rabbit has an open wound, you must bring the rabbit to a vet for treatment. There is nothing you can do at home to prevent infection. Rabbits have very stretchy skin, and the wound will only get bigger and worse if you don't go to the vet's.

If you can, before you leave for the vet's, do this first aid:

Clean the wound: flush with watered-down liquid Betadine (povidone-iodine, watered down to an ice tea colour), and then flush again with water.

Cover the wound with a non-stick bandage pad, and then secure it with self-adhesive bandage wrap. (But don't touch the open skin to the bandage wrap, because it will stick.)

Then go to the vet's. See the related questions below for more details.

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Q: My rabbit has an open wound how do i prevent an infection?
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What is a bandaid used for?

To prevent infection to the open wound.

Can you give me a sentence of antiseptic?

Antiseptic is used to prevent an infection of an open wound.

What does sugar do for an open wound in animals?

Sugar in an open wound will prevent the growth of bacteria, allowing the wound to heal more quickly. Sugar in an open wound will prevent the growth of bacteria, thus preventing infection and allowing the wound to heal more quickly. It is particularly helpful for wounds that are difficult/impossible to close surgically.

Is an open wound a local infection?

Yes, an open wound (cut, scratch, ect.) is considered a local infection. However, if left untreated, the local infection can turn into a systemic infection, affecting organs and tissues all over. For example, septicemia is considered to be a systemic infection (bacteria and other pathogenic organisms in the blood stream) that can occur from a simple cat scratch or other open wound. To prevent such a horrendous infection, maintain proper sterile technique and wound maintenance so bacteria and other pathogenic organisms cannot infiltrate the wound.

What can you get from an open wound infection?

swelling of the wound,pus in the wound ,pain,redness

How does infection begins?

If you get a cut or a open wound, you can get dirt in there.

Identify common sources of infection-?

One common source of infection is an open wound. If a wound isn't cleaned properly, bacteria can breed in the warm viscera within and cause an infection.

What is a stagh infection?

A staph infection is an infection that occurs under the skin when bacteria gets in through an open wound or other avenue.

Why would there be blood under your rabbit's cage?

your rabbit may have an open wound you are un aware of, take them to the vet and tell them about this probelm.

Does smoking marijuana cause infection if you have a open wound in mouth?

yes it does infact

Why is it important not to handle food if you have open wounds and what to do if you have an open wound?

It is important to not handle food with an open wound because you could contaminate the food and there are many health risks. If you have an open wound you should wear a glove or not handle the food at all. It all depends on the wound.

Can a broken bone cause infection?

Yes, if it is a comminuted [broken in tiny bits] or compound[bone pushing thru skin] fracture. Both usually involve surgery, and any open wound is prone to infection. Wash hands frequently and follow wound care instructions TO THE LETTER.