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It is legal for the father to turn him in for illegal activity. It is not legal to force a minor to move out of his parents' home. . . .

Added: . . . prior to the age of emancipation in your state.

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Q: My son's Dad has asked him to move out of the house at 17. My son is in the juvenile court system on probation because his dad turned him in for using marijuana and alcohol. Is this legal?
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Does k2 show up on a probation drug test?

no because k2 is not technically marijuana. drug tests only test for the standard drugs like marijuana, cocaine, steroids and heroine. k2 would not show up on a drug test for probation because there are no ingredients in it that the probation drug test is testing for. on a side note, k2 is outlawed here now, so find something else to smoke.

Does alcohol help cleanse marijuana?

No it absolutely does not. No liquids can flush your system because the THC is stored in your fat cells.

Why is weed illegal and not alcohol you would like hard proof URL to site?

Well the answer is simple its extremely hard to tax marijuana because it is a weed and alcohol isn't because you have to process it and whatnot so anyway screw alcohol go weed

Is marijuana more dangerous than alcohol?

absolutely not. as you can see in the link above, alcohol requires more dependence than marijuana. this means that if someone gets drunk off of alcohol, the next time they wish to get drunk they will have to consume more alcohol than the previous time. Also, alcohol is more addictive than marijuana. saying your addicted to marijuana is like saying your addicted to facebook (or something else that you really enjoy doing). as for alcohol, your body depends on alcohol. For marijuana, the addiction is all in your head. as far as overdosing, the theoretical amount of pot you have to consume is over a thousand hits (of course this cant be proven because no one has ever bothered to try it). with alcohol, it is very easy to suffer from alcohol poisoning if one gets drunk enough and is an alcoholic. for intoxication, alcohol leads to direct violence toward others, where marijuana simply makes people relaxed and more tolerant of their surroundings. alcohol can directly lead to serious physical injuries to ones body where marijuana is seldom seen as a direct cause.

Why is tobacco with its 100s of man made chemicals leagal but natural marijuana is illegal is it money or safety. marijuana has no record of overdose and look at all the drunks and alcohol poison's?

Because people are stupid.

Do parole agents in California test for marijuana in their standard drug tests?

Yes and No. Im currently on parole, and have not yet been tested for marijuana. My parole officer told me she would, but has not yet. Its more like what they dont know wont hurt them. I have been tested for alcohol and methamphetamines, but not marijuana. Some people think they dont test for marijuana because the test is expensive. I believe they do not, because its not a drug that leads to criminal behavior, and if they tried to enforce it, the prisons would be full in a matter of months.

Can a convicted felon live where medical marijuana is being grown?

Sure they can. However, if they are on probation or out on parole it would probably be a good idea not to smoke marijuana or use any other drugs because periodic and random drug testing is sometimes required when one is on probation/parole.

What harm can marijuana do?

marijuana doesnt cause harm. If you think about it, it is less dangerous than alcohol and cigerettes. You never hear stories on the news saying that there was a car accident because someone was high off of marijuana, you here it about drunk driving. Marijuana isn't bad for you, it actually can lower stress and stuff.

What is worse: marijuana or alcohol?

IMO, Alcohol. Because I have never met a mean stoner. But I have met a lot of mean drunks. As far as effects on health alcohol is far worse for you than marijuana. Alcohol causes damage to the liver. Alcohol is also possible (and very easy) to overdose with. It's called alcohol poisoning and can cause respiratory depression which can lead to death. Hundreds of people die in the United states every year from alcohol poisoning. Not one person has ever died from smoking too much marijuana. And that's a fact. Even in chronic users that have been smoking for over 10 years, no detrimental health problems have occurred. Marijuana has never shown any negative health effects. Alcohol kills thousands of people each year. However, research shows very clearly that using even small amounts of marijuana, and even then only occasionally, can result in schizophrenia later in life. Marijuana may not be bad for the body, but it is worse for the brain.

Why is marijauana bad?

Marijuana isn't really considedered to be harmfull. marijuana hasn't killed a single person. The reason people say its bad is because gives you a "high". It effects your timing sort of like alcohol.

Can you die from mixing marijuana and alcohol?

it depends on how much you take. marijuana and alcohol are both depressents so will slow your mecanism (however you spell it) and you wont really feel affected by either of them. If you take alot of alcohol and marijuana then you can get dangerously ill, and end up in hospital. i dont think you can die but you can get seriously ill. if i were you, i would take weed, because its funner and its different. but, if you want to keep on the safe side, take alcohol, its legal;) haha. but seriously dont take both, unless you're near a hospital:D hope i helped.

What are the most used drugs among teenagers and why?

Answerfrom what i hear kids talking about the most common drugs are over the counter drugs, cigarettes, marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol.i am not 100% sure about my answers but from the research i have done and what i have heard this sounds correct. is very helpful!!!PCP, xanex, heroin, pot, laced weed, speed, oxycotin, hydrocodon, bars, vikoden, valum