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Q: NASA launches its manned space flights on merritt island which is near which area?
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Why did the US stop shooting rocket ship up into space?

It didn't. There are still plenty of launches scheduled as part of the US space program.What has stopped for now is manned launches, that is, space flights that carry people.

How many Gemini flights were there?

There were 10 manned flights and two unmanned flights in the Gemini program.

What are the first fourteen missions?

Not sure which mission this refers to, but there were 9 manned Mercury flights and 10 manned Gemini flights prior to the beginning of Project Apollo.

How many Apollo missions was there?

17 total. 5 unmanned test flights, 12 manned flights (including Apollo 1 which was destroyed by fire on the pad). Of the manned flights there were 7 attemped moon landings, 6 of which were succesful.

What is the latest spacecraft used for manned flights?

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What rocket launched manned Apollo missions?

Saturn 5. Actually, the Saturn 1B also had a couple manned flights as well.

Has anyone walked on Saturn?

No, no manned space flights have travelled beyond the Moon.

What was the goal of the mercury program?

The objectives of the program, which made six manned flights from 1961 to 1963, were specific: To orbit a manned spacecraft around Earth;

Which Apollo flight was launched with a Saturn c-1 booster?

The Saturn C-1 (also known as the Saturn 1) was only used for ten flights near the beginning of the Apollo Program, to test various aspects of the Apollo spacecraft and other technology. There were never any manned launches.

How many Apollo missions landed people on the moon?

6 total. Apollo 11,12,14,15,16,17 Apollo 8, 10, 13 orbited the moon. Apollo 9 Was an Earth orbit test flight of docking and operating the lunar Module in space. All of these were Saturn V Manned launches. Saturn 1b manned apollo flights were Apollo 7, Skylab 2, 3, 4, and the Apollo Soyuz Test Project.

How many members were aboard the Gemini Spacecraft?

All of the manned Gemini flights had two astronauts in them.

Has anyone ever camped on on Venus'?

To date, no manned (or womaned) flights have yet landed on the planet Venus.