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military, currency,seat government an customs

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Q: Name 4 Exclusive powers of the commonwealth government?
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What is the name for the powers that the Constitution gives to the state governments and forbids the national government from using?

Reserved powers. These powers are not "enumerated", however they are distinguished from exclusively delegated powers, such as the exclusive federal powers of the United States

Which countries are in the commonwealth government?

Name 6 countries that are in the CommonwealthThere are 53 commonwealth countries 45There are 54 Commonwealth countries alltogether71 countries are in the Commonwealth of Nations.because they are countries in the Commonwealth of Nations

What is the name for the powers the Constitution gives the state government and forbid the national government from using?

"reserved powers".

What is the name of the powers that the constitution gives the state government and forbids the nationals government from using?

Reserved powers

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The Federal Governenment, based in Canberra (ACT) - was given the official name of 'Her Majesty's Australian Government'.

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In a unitary form of government, all powers are held by a central government. This type of government is characterized by a strong central authority that delegates limited powers to subnational entities.

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They are The Legislative, Judicial, And Executive Branches