

Name a breed of tropical fish what does it look like?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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a clown fish. it stiped orange and white!!

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Q: Name a breed of tropical fish what does it look like?
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What are some tropical fish?

There are many tropical fish on the link i posted that should help if you click on the name you will also get a picture of what the fish looks like. Hope i could help.

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it is a tropical fish and like most tropical fish they all eat tropical fish flakes and to keep it strong and help it grow faster i recommend you get frozen blood worms and a heater also helps and you spelled goby wrong.

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o.O if they like pea soup

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well at primary school we held a fish naming competiton for the school goldfish and one of the names was M.r O another one was Bubbles,C.Weed, and Tropica. if your fish is tropical and exotic maybe something exotic also i like the name S'more thanks if i could help!