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Bass, Double Bass, Violin, Harp, Viola, Cello. The harp is an instrument with strings, which are plucked, but it is not normally considered one of the 'strings' sections.

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Q: Name a string instrument in a orchestra?
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To which section of the orchestra does the harp belong?

The harp is a solo string instrument, BUT it belongs to the percussion family in the orchestra, as it is used mostly for special effects.

Which section in a orchestra has the most instrument?

By numbers, it's the string section. A full-sized orchestra has around 60 string players

Which string instrument is usually found in an orchestra?

The right answer is Mandolin

Which is the largest string instrument in a classical orchestra?

The Double Bass.

Is a viola a percussion?

A viola is a string instrument, not a percussion instrument, and therefore it is used in an orchestra.

What string instrument makes the lowest sound?

The cello makes the lowest sound of a string instrument.

Is a zither a string instruments?

It depends on the orchestra. Symphony orchestra- no. Ethnic orchestra- might be.

What is the highest sounding string instrument?

In a string orchestra, an orchestra with violin, cello, viola, and bass, the bass is the largest and lowest instrument. However, if you were looking for the largest string instrument in a full orchestra, the piano would be the instrument for which you are looking.

What is the highest stringed instrument in an orchistra?

The violin is the highest instrument in a string orchestra. The violins are divided into two sections (1st violins and 2nd violins), the 1st violins usually play the tune and play higher than the 2nd violins. However, the piccolo is the highest instrument in a full orchestra. The difference between a string orchestra and a full orchestra is that the string orchestra has only stringed instruments while a full orchestra has strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion.

What instrument has the deepest vioce in an orchestra's string section?

The bass viole ...

Which is the lowest instrument in the string section of the orchestra?

The bass viole ... or simply, bass.

Which instrument that was being used in the baroque orchestra was found in the classical period?

String Instruments