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Q: Name a very reactive group of metals and a very reactive group of nonmetals. why do they behave this way?
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What is the most reactive group of a metals and nonmetals?

Metals: alkaline metals Nonmetals: halogens

What is the most reactive family of nonmetals and metals?

The most reactive nonmetals are in group 17 (halogens). The most reactive metals are in group 1 (alkali metals).

Which is a reactive nonmetals?

The halogen Group are reactive non-metals. Also oxygen in the air is a very reactive gas. Besides inhaling it to react with animal life /humans, it also reacts with metals and form many oxides.

The most reactive group of nonmetals is the?

Group 17 (known as Halogens)

Which nonmetals ae most chemically reactive?

The halogens, which is group 17, are the most reactive non-metals. Oxygen is pretty reactive too, even though it's not a halogen.

The most reactive metal among the following is?

The most reactive metals of the periodic table are those that belong to alkali group. Among this group, the more electrons contain each atom of each element, the more reactive it is. This is why Francium is the most reactive of alkali metals.

Which group on the periodic table contains the most reactive nonmetals?

The Halogen Family is the most reactive group of nonmetals.

How does metals or nonmetals change as you go down group 0?

As you go down Group 0 (also known as the noble gases), both metals and nonmetals tend to become less reactive. The noble gases are already very stable and unreactive, and this reactivity decreases even further as you move down the group. Metals in Group 0, called alkali metals, also become more reactive as you go down the group, while nonmetals in Group 0, known as halogens, become less reactive.

Are the halogens most reactive nonmetals or the least reactive nonmetals?

The Halogens are the most reactive non-metals. However, their reactivity decreases as you go down the group. Most reactive Fluorine>Chlorine>Bromine>Iodine>Astatine Least reactive. However, Astatine is not fully characterised because it is radio-active, and consequently is not found in open(school) labs.

Most reactive group of nonmetals?

The Halogens. Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine, with Fluorine being the most reactive.

The most reactive nonmetals on the periodic table are?

The most reactive nonmetals are the halogens in group 17 of the periodic table.

Which group of nonmetals are most reactive?

The group of nonmetal of nonmetals on the periodic table that is the most reactive is the alkali metals