

Name of first video game

Updated: 11/21/2022
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12y ago

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Pong, on the Atari.

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Q: Name of first video game
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When was the first video game created and what was the name?

The game was Pong and it was made by Atari. I had one.

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The first video game ever made was PONG! Pong was a revolutionary 2D version of tennis/ping pong, hence the name, PONG, from ping PONG.

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In 1972 Magnavox released the first home video game system , The Magnavox Odyssey.

When did the first video game come out?

The first video game that came out was for the atari2600

What was the first video game the first of?

Pong was the first commercial video game. In 1958, the first video game was developed using an oscilloscope and was called "Tennis for Two".

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The first video game ever was a space shooter by the name of Spacewar for the Pdp-1 computer, but the first video game to get a public release as a video game was PONG from atari.

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i forgot the name but it was made in 1698.

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