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Q: Name of metals their chemical properties and physical properties and their uses?
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Name two categories used to classify properties of matter?

Two categories used to classify properties of matter are physical properties, which describe the characteristics that can be observed without changing the substance's chemical composition, and chemical properties, which describe how a substance interacts with other substances to form new substances.

What is the name of the chart that organizes the element's according to their physical and chemical properties?

The Periodic Table

What is the name of the chart that organizes the element according to their physical and chemical properties?

The Periodic Table

What are the chemical and physical properties of a brick?

It means that you have to name the physical appearance of a brick, so it would be that the brick is brown and etc,.

Compare physical and chemical properties?

A chemical property is the substance's response to other substances, resulting in a new substance. A physical property is something like a substance's lustre, melting point, boiling point, colour, or density, to name a few. Examples of chemical properties are: combustibility and reaction to acid.

What is The name and physical properties of an element is determined by?

The name and physical properties of an element are determined by its atomic structure, specifically the number of protons in its nucleus, which dictates its atomic number and unique identity. The arrangement of electrons around the nucleus further influences its chemical behavior and physical properties such as melting point, density, and color.

What is the difference between the physical properties and the chemical properties of a substance?

A physical property can be observed without changing the material's composition. A chemical property can only be observed when a chemical change takes place.

How are semi metals related to metals and non metals?

They have properties of metals and non-metals, and also have properties that are around '1/2' of both. An example is silicon, which has a high melting point and is solid (metallic properties). However it is very brittle and it forms an acidic oxide (non-metal). It is a semi-conductor.

Name two properties shared by metals?

they are oxygen and water

Can you name 3 chemical properties?


Is a physical state physical or chemical?

It's in the name. Physical.

Is physical state a chemical or physical?

It's in the name. Physical.