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The German air war against the British during WW II was called the the Battle of Britain.

The German bombing of British cities was called The Blitz - short for Blitzkrieg (lightning strike).

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It was called the blitz

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Q: What was the German bombing the British cities called?
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Name for german bombing raids on british cities?

The Blitz - short for blitzkrieg - German for lightning strike.

Why did the British Government evacuate the children from Britain's major cities?

To keep them safe from German bombing or chemical attack.

How did the German government try to demoralise the British people during World War 2?

By bombing British cities and Lord Haw Haw's radio broadcasts from Berlin.

Name given by the british to the German bombing of towns and cities during the winter of 1939-1940 when there was no fighting between France and Germany?

The Blitz

Why did people disagree with the bombing of German cities?

Bombing the German cities was killing civilians. Many people believed this was wrong and that aerial attacks should be targeted at industrial and military facilities.

Why did the evacuees get evacuated o the countryside?

Because the cities were being bombed by the Germans and so they were not safe there

Why did Hitler order a shift in strategy after the Luftwaffe began bombing British cities?

Hitler realized that an invasion of Britain could succeed if Germany gained control of the air. In the beginning of August 1940, the Luftwaffe -the German air force- launched a major offensive attack. The British fought back wit determination. They were supported by an effective radar system that gave them early warning of German attacks. In September, in retaliation for a British attack on Berlin, Hitler ordered a shift in strategy. Instead of bombing military bases, the Luftwaffe began massive bombing of British cities. Hitler hoped in this way he would be able to break British morale. Instead, because military targets were not being hit, the British were able to rebuild their air strength. Soon, the British air force was conflicting major losses on Luftwaffe bombing. At the end of September, Hitler postponed the invasion of Britain indefinitely.

What does blitz mean world war 2?

The Blitz refers to German bombing raids on cities during WW2

The British press used Bliltz to refer to what type of German warfare?

Blitz comes from the German word "blitz krieg" meaning lightning war, it was the bombing of Britain during wwII. Yes, as above, the Blitz was the bombing of the British cities following the Battle of Britain in the autumn of 1940 & the first part of 1941. Blitzkreig was the combination of the use of panzer (Armoured) forces coupled with dive bombers & rapid movement through a spearhead (Schwerpunkt) attack.

What advantage did carpet bombing have over conventional bombing on Germany?

The goal of carpet bombing during World War 2 was to try to weaken German morale and destroy cities which contained war industries. This technique was very effective on Germany and usually destroyed whole cities or large targets.

What weapon did British use to to strike fear in the Germans?

Lancaster heavy bombers created firestorms in German cities with concentrated incendiary bombs. These bombing attacks caused significant loss of life. Additionally, the British Spitfires and Hurricane fighters were a potent weapon in the Battle of Britain.

Germany's attempt to force great Britain's surrender by means of an all-out bombing attack against English cities was called battle of what?

Battle of Britain July 10-October 31 1940 Original idea was not to make British surrender because of bombing, but guarantee invasion by eliminating British air defence. But later Germans switched to bomb cities and that was probably Hitler's big mistake.