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Part the Red Sea

Seeing Burning Bush

Ten Commandments

Leading people to freedom

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Q: Name something Moses is famous for doing in the bible?
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What was moses doing when the burning bush appeared?

moses was watching after his sheep when he heard something from the cliff so he seached it out and it was the burning bush

Where do you find in the bible how long Moses was on mt sinai?

Moses was on mount Sinai for 40 days till god told him to go down.and see what the people were doing.

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Is the first lady famous for doing a something special?

Just say no

What is The Moses Project?

the moses project is something they are doing in Venice Italy to help stop the flooding problem. and to keep the water out an dthe people in. so if you do research projets here is your answer to a question i had.

Why you are not famous?

You'd have to do something worthy of many people knowing about (you can be famous for both good and bad thing - though I don't recommending doing something bad to become famous...).

What to do to get famous?

You must have a talent or, by doing something helpful to the world to make it a better place. there are other things that can make you famous to.

How does a kid get famous?

It used to be that a kid could become famous by being talented and doing something wonderful. Today, some kids can become famous way too soon by doing something outrageous. Find your passion, and work it with all you've got. If you are meant to be famous you will be. Otherwise, you will be successful and happy. Success and happiness are the better choices.

What was Jerome famous for doing?

Saint Jerome was an ancient priest, who lived from 347 to 420. He became famous for his theological and historical writings. He is probably best known for translating the Bible into Latin.

What is something significant about Hypatia of Alexandria?

Hypatia was the first woman mathematician and she was famous for doing philosophy and science.

How do you become facebook famous fast?

The easiest way to become Facebook famous fast is by doing something incredibly embarrassing that you will regret for the rest of your life.

Was moses most happy when doing gods will?

Yes he was happy.