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Yes, it was Louis XVI.

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Q: Name the French Monarch who was reigning during the French Revolution. Was he Louis XVI?
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Napoleon was a monarch, and the French Revolution strived for Democracy. Also, he was a dictator which was a big no-no during the revolution. It ended i n the same place it started.

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A broken economy was a major cause of the French Revolution.

Was king Louis xvi the monarch during the french revolution?

why in fact he was. He was also married to married to Marie Antoinette who were both beheaded.

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Louis-Philippe, the first, last and only monarch of the Orléans dynasty

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The King of the French who went to exile for 21 years was Louis Philippe. He was crowned as a king on 1830 and his monarch was called July Monarchy.

You were the monarch of England during the revolution?

King George III

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Yes, people did have rights during the french revolution.

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The Guillotine was invented during the french revolution, i know coz i doing the french revolution at school now! :) >) HOPE IT HELPS!!

British monarch during the American Revolution?

King George III.