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Q: You were the monarch of England during the revolution?
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Who was the monarch of England during the revolution?

King George lll was the 18 monarch during revolution war

What happened in England in during the glorious revolution?

the power of elected representatives over the monarch. this period became known as the glorious revolution.

Who was NOT a French monarch beheaded during the French Revolution?

Dumbledore was not a french monarch and was not beheaded during the french revolution

What French king abdicated and fled to England during the revolution of 1848?

Louis-Philippe, the first, last and only monarch of the Orléans dynasty

Who was the british monarche during the American Revolution?

who was the british monarch at the time of the american revolution

Who was the King of England during the french revolution?

There was no "monarch of England" during the Revolutionary War. The war was fought against Great Britain. The monarch at that time was King George III, the King of Great Britain. He was also the King of Ireland.

British monarch during the American Revolution?

King George III.

William and Mary were offered the throne of England to do what?

William and Mary were offered the throne of England to rule as part of a constitutional monarchy. During William and Mary's reign, parliament had more power whereas before the Glorious Revolution the monarch had the most power.

During the time that England was without a monarch the country was called .?

the commonwealth

Who was the monarch of England during the rovolution?

King george 3

During what time did England have no king or queen?

England has not had a monarch since the act of union in1707

Who was the monarch of England during the American revlution?

That was King George III.