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Venous: Digital, deep palmar arch, superficial palmar arch, radial vein, ulnar vein, median antebrachial vein, cephalic vein, basilic vein, median cubital vein. Arterial: Radial and Ulnar arteries, deep palmar arch, digital, superficial palmar arch, brachial.

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Q: Name the blood vessels in the lower arm?
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How does blood circulate around the lower arm and hand?

Blood pumps down and through the vessels in your hands by the pressure your heart pumps the blood from your heart. When you blood pressure is low then the blood isn't pumping with enough pressure.

Are Lymphatic vessels located everywhere?

All over your body. They converge in specific places like your arm pits.

Blood vessels justappeared in may arm why?

well if you have been working out for a long time than you blood vessels will start to pop out. the more muscle you have the more vessles you have popping out.

What are the scientific names for inner lower arm bone?

Radius is the name for lower inner arm bone

How does blood transfusion take place?

they put a needle into the arm and force blood into you blood vessels. if the pressure is too much the arm will explode. they are very dangerous so i advise you not to have one.- Dr Mcgregor

Can blood pressure be taken in the arm with the PICC line?

No. Use the other arm or lower extremities if it's appropriate.

Another name for forearm?

Another name for the forearm is the lower arm. The forearm consists of two bones, the radius and the ulna.

What is the latin name for the lower arm?

I think it may be Brachio.

What is the name of the lower arm bone closest to the body?


Another name for the forearm lower arm?

it is called ULNA

What is the name of the two lower arm bones?

radius and ulna.

Went skating and fell on your arm now it has a bruise on it?

went skating and fell on my arm now it has a bruise on it