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Q: Name the person who you most try to avoid having an argument with?
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Is argument a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'argument' is a common noun, a word for any argument of any kind, anywhere. A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing.

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What does the name Cristin mean?

It means that the person having that name is a god fearing person and she is having a full love for her family and friends that's all "thank you"!..........

What is straw man in legal terms?

A "straw man" is a kind of argument used not only in a legal context but also in a philosophical, political or academic one, or even in a private dispute. The name "straw man" is a metaphor based on a scarecrow or other dummy stuffed with straw who is not a real person and which is easily knocked over. In a straw man argument, the person arguing takes pains to completely refute a position which his opponent does not endorse, claiming that he has in fact refuted the opponent's position. The argument which he has refuted is a "straw man", a dummy argument, an argument which isn't the real argument his opponent is advancing. E.g. If Person 1 says that the earth is not in fact a sphere (being an oblate spheroid), and person 2 advances argument after argument why the earth is not flat, concluding that person 1 is clearly wrong, the world is not flat but is a sphere, person 2 has employed a straw man argument by attacking the position that the earth is flat when that was not person 1's argument. We can say that person 2 has set up and knocked down the straw man that the earth is flat.

What is the name for an argument about history that is supported by sources?

Interpretation is the name for an argument about history that is supported by sources.

Why is it important to know the name of the drug you are using?

To tell your health care person for proper treatment when you need it so to avoid having a bad drug reaction which could cause serious damage to your health or even death.

What to you call a person having a birthday?

A classic name for a birthday person is "Birthday Boy" , or "Birthday Girl".

What is another name for argument?

a row

The name of the HLOOKUP argument that defines the location where the value to retrieve is located is the?

It is the index number. This will tell you which row to retrieve the value from, having initially found which column the row is in.

Name an activity that is hard to get through without losing your temper?

1. Playing a sport 2. Cleaning 3.Having an argument 4. Driving (Family Feud)

What is the name given to the technique whereby a function argument can be modified by passing a pointer to the argument?


What is alias assumed name?

An alias or assumed name is when a person uses another name that is not their own. This can be as simply as John Edward Jones going by Edward Jones, his middle name, this would be an alias. The more common use of alias is that which is shown on television crime dramas, is when a criminal takes on a completely different identity to avoid prosecution. Basically they take the name and identification of a person who is deceased and about the same age as themselves. They then live as this person to avoid being found.