

Best Answer
  • Zygote is the fertilized cell that grows into a multicellular organism in sexual organisms.
  • The embryonic germ layer divides and differentiates into the complex multicellular organism.
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Q: Name the structure from which all multicellular organisms develop?
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What are three characteristics of algae?

Algae (singular: alga) are photosynthetic, eukaryotic organisms that do not develop multicellular sex organs. Algae can be unicellular, or they may be large, multicellular organisms. Algae can occur in or fresh waters, or on the surfaces of moist soil or rocks. The multicellular algae develop specialized tissues, but they lack the true stems, leaves, or roots of the more complex, higher plants.

How do muliticellular organisms differ from unicellular organisms?

Well, multicellular and unicellular organisms vary greater in differences. For starters, multicellular organisms have multiple cells, hence the name, while unicellular organisms are single-celled. Also, multi-cellular organisms are in animals, humans, and plants, while single-celled organisms are mainly found only in bacteria and often fungus. Lastly, multi-cellular organisms are composed n tissues, organs, and organ systems while single-celled organisms stand alone; hence the name.

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Are membranes a subcellular structure?

Membranes are subcellular structures. Some examples of this subcellular structure include; plasma membranes, nuclei, mitochondria, ribosomes, chloroplasts, and lysozymes to name a few.

What are multi cellular organism?

A cell which contains more than one cell it will be called multi-cellular cell organisms. Examples are: Parmecium. etc :)

Why single cell protein name is a misnomer?

it is because scps are not always single celled, sometimes multicellular organisms like spirulina are also used

How are single-celled organisms different from multicellular organisms?

Multicellular organisms tend to have a higher level of specialization. For example, the cells in your eye share have same DNA as the ones in your muscles, but they serve very different functions. While a multicellular organism forms, identical cells are separated into different organs. They develop specialized organelles and connections so they can do specific jobs.

What name is given to the process by which an organisms develop from a single cell into many kinds of cells?


How do multicellular organisms differ from unicellular?

uni cellular organisams have only one cell while multicellular organisms have multiple.

Name three unicellular organisms?

Well there are 5 unicellular organisms and they are bacteria, amoeba, protists, viruses, and diatoms:)

What are the common characteristics of organisms?

All business organisations have the following characteristics:- - Purpose for existance -Organisation structure -Brand name