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In August 2012, 17 women are U. S. Senators:

  • Republican Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
  • Democrat Diane Feinstein of California
  • Democrat Barbara Boxer of California
  • Democrat Mary Landrieu of Louisiana
  • Republican Olympia Snowe of Maine
  • Republican Susan Collins of Maine
  • Democrat Barbara Mikulski of Maryland
  • Democrat Debbie Stabenow of Michigan
  • Democrat Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota (DFL Party)
  • Democrat Claire McCaskill of Missouri
  • Democrat Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire
  • Republican Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire
  • Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand of New York
  • Democrat Kay Hagan of North Carolina
  • Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas
  • Democrat Patty Murray of Washington
  • Democrat Maria Cantwell of Washington
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Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer

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Barbara boxer ,Diane feistien

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Q: Who are the 2 current California state senators?
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How many senators are there in California?

Every state has 2 senators.

What is the number of current Pennsylvania senators?

Each State has 2 Senators

What is the total number of legislators in California?

* California has two US Senators. * California has 53 US Representatives. * California has 40 State Senators. * California has 80 State Assemblymen.

Does California have more or less senators than Wyoming?

All states have the same number of US Senators (2), so California and Wyoming have the same number of US Senators.However, California has 40 state senators while Wyoming has 30 state senators so California has more state senators than Wyoming.

How many Senators are from California?

Each state has two Senators (in the Senate). California also has 53 Representatives in the House of Representatives.

What are 2 senators of CA?

Barbara Boxer(D) and Dianne Feinstein(D) are the current Senators of California.

Number of senators for California?

Every US state, including California , has two senators who represent in the Senate.

What is the total number of senators from California?

every state only has 2 senators. Each state have different numbers of representatives, however. The answer to your question is 2.

How many Senators and Representatives does California have?

California has the largest population of any state in the US. There are 53 congressional districts. The state also has two US senators. This give the state 55 electoral votes.

How many total senators are in the current Senate?

100. 2 Per State.

How many members are in the Alabama state senate?

There are 35 state senators in the Alabama State Senate. (for a current list, see the related link)

Who is the state senators of New York?

There are currently 2 state senators of New York. They are Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer. The current governor of the state is Andrew Cuorno.