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Sodium and Potassium.

There is something called a sodium-potassium pump which transports 3 ions of Na+ out of the cell and 2 ions of K+ into the cell. This is facilitated by the breakdown of ATP to provide energy.

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9y ago

Two substances that are moved by active transport through membranes are glucose and mineral ions. Active transport is the movement of a substance against it's concentration gradient, from low to high concentration.

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Ions, Large Polar Molecules

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Q: Name two substances which are moved by active transport through membranes?
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What are Transports that requires energy from ATP to move substances across membranes?

active transport

Is active transport the only way substances can cross the intestinal membranes?

Diffusion too.

What are various mechanisms by which substances cross membranes?

there are many different types of mechanisms that can make thing cross cell membranes two of these are by diffusing and active transport.

What is used to move a substance through a membrane in active transport?

Electrochemical gradient is used to move substances through a membrane in active transport.

What are passive and active transport?

Passive transport and active transport are transport of materials across membranes. Passive requires no energy, while active does.

What is large particles that may need to use energy to pass through cell membranes called?

Its passive transport not active because active transport does NOT use energy

What separates active transport from passive transport?

Active transport is when a cell needs to use energy in or to let substances pass in through or out or its cell membrane or cell wall. Passive transport requires to energy at all making substances like water easy to let pass through.

What occurs if substances are too large to pass through the cell membrane by active or passive transport?

passive transport

What is the name of the membrane that allows the movement of water and substances to move through the process of active transport and passive transport?

The name of the membrane that allows movement of water and substances through the process of active and passive transport is semipermeable membrane.

Controls what moves into cells?

Cell membranes control what moves into cells by selectively allowing certain substances to pass through while blocking others. This selectivity is maintained through various processes such as diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport. Additionally, cell membranes contain specific transport proteins and channels that help regulate the movement of molecules in and out of the cell.

When do cells do active transport?

When transporting substances from low to high concentration, or when transporting substances too large to pass through the membrane without assistance from a transport protein.

What prevents active transport taking place?

Believe it or not, cyanide kills us by inhibiting active transport, to such an extent that substances can no longer be transferred across cell membranes. This is one example of a substance that stops the process of active transport dead in its tracks.