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whale ,cow, dog ,horse, cat

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A bird, of course!

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Homo Sapian

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A biped.

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Q: Names of bipedal animals 2 feet animals?
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What is a bipedal dragon?

It is a dragon with 2 feet/legs A bipedal dragon is known as a lindworm. Fafnir was a lindworm and so was the dragon Saint George fought.

2 legged animals?

Animals which walk on just 2 legs are called bipeds, they are bipedal.

How many feet does a bird have?

No not all animals have 4 feet. Humans are mammals and only have 2 feet so therefore, not all mammals have 4 feet. Some mammals don't have any legs at all. For example, the dolphin. Hope this helps :)

A two footed animal?

monkeys, kangaroos.

An animal with 2 feet is called?

Birds, humans and most primates have two feet. also penguins, and hominids. a biped, or bipedal

What is bipedalism?

Bipedal describes a manner of movement in which one moves using two legs or feet. (Biped in latin is literally "two footed") Humans are bipedal, as are some animals like kangaroos or some primates, although the term is not restricted to describing living organisms. Animals like dogs and cats are considered quadrupedal, as they move on four limbs.

2 names of animals that are exsting?

* Dog * Cat

What is an animal that walks on 2 legs called?

A biped. Bipedal

What are the animals in happy feet 2 with trunks?

Elephant seals

Names 2 different animals that hibernate?

Bears and badgers hibernate.

What words begin with bi and means two?

bicycle: 2 wheels bipedal: having 2 feet bipolar: having 2 poles bifurcation: to split into 2 parts bisexual: feeling attraction to 2 sexesAnswer The bikini is a play on this meaning (although the word comes from a Pacific Atoll).

Who came up with names for animals?

Well, i believe God gave Adam the names for the animals. The biblical and scientific answers to this question are the same: man gave names to all the animals. To be specific, the bible says Adam named all the animals (Genesis 2:20). Science tell us that, over time, as humans encountered different animals, they gave them names so as to identify them to each other.