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une boisson au citron - lemon drink

une boisson aux fruits - fruit punch

une boisson aux Oranges - orange drink

une boisson gazeuse - carbonated drink

une boisson gazeuse aux oranges sans sucre - sugarfree carbonated orange drink

une boisson gazeuse à l'orange - carbonated orange drink

une boisson gazeuse à la pomme - carbonated apple drink

une boisson à l'eau minérale aux extraits d'orange - orange-flavored mineral water

une boisson à l'eau minérale aux extraits de thé - tea-flavored mineral water

du citron concentré - lemon juice concentrate

un cocktrail de fruit - fruit cocktail

un cola - cola

une eau minérale - mineral water

une eau minérale naturelle gazeuse - tonic water

une eau minérale naturelle saveur pomme - apple-flavored mineral water

un iced tea - iced tea

un jus d'ananas - Pineapple Juice

un jus de pamplemousse - grapefruit juice

un jus de pomme gazifié - carbonated apple juice

une limonade artisanale - artisan carbonated lemonade

un orange pressé avec pulpe - Orange Juice with pulp

un sirop de grenadine - grenadine syrup

un sirop de menthe verte - mint syrup

un sirop de pêche - peach syrup

un soda - soda

un soda light - light soda

un soda au citron - lemon soda

un soda aux extraits de citron - lemon soda

un thé glacé peu sucré - lightly sweetened iced tea

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French love a good coffee or hot chocolate in the morning and like coke, but the most noteworthy of all French drinks is of course Champange.

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A famous drink of Kentucky is Bourbon. Its a wiskey.

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boisson fruitée nature is nature fruity drink in French.

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Australia's most famous drink is beer. we basically invented the drink so that is pretty self-explanatory!

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Columbia is famous for coffee.

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The French drink wine at Christmas. Usually wine is served with dinner. After dinner people usually drink champagne. Children drink soda at Christmas.

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A famous drink from Hawaii is the Blue Hawaii.

What do the french like to drink?

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Is cherry a French drink?

Yes, cherry can be a French drink. In fact, a popular alcoholic drink is cherry brandy. Cherry also is a popular flavoring for those who want a sweetly flavored drink.