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A public education system.

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Q: Napoleon set up what to ensure a supply of educated and loyal government officials?
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What did Napoleon set up to ensure a supply of educated and loyal government officials?

Public education.

How does the US system of government ensure that officials are responsible to the people?

that they are have virture & intergity

What should the Philippines do in order to become globally competitive and enjoy the benefits of globalization?

Ensure that their government and public officials are not corrupt.

Did the song dynasty improve the government by incorporating Confucian ideas?

Yes, the Song Dynasty improved the government by incorporating Confucian ideas. They implemented a civil service examination system based on Confucian principles to select government officials. This helped to promote meritocracy and ensure that officials were educated and capable. Additionally, the emphasis on Confucian values such as loyalty, filial piety, and social harmony played a significant role in shaping the governance and policies of the dynasty.

How did the farmers of the Texas constitution of 1836 ensure the separation of powers in state government?

why is our current texas constitution require that most state officials be elected rather than apointed by the government.

How did Napoleon change the educational system in France?

He established 4 types of schools, primary (run by church), secondary, technical and lycees (military based). There was an exam called the Baccalaureat which students took to determine which school they got into.

How scientifically advanced are the government?

The government officials need not be literated or scientifically advanced. This is because the main aim of the government is to ensure that all its citizen live equally and to look after the affairs of the country. Therefore the government should have knowledge about the interests of the people but it is not necessary for the government to be scientifically advanced. However the government is the one which sponsors the scientific organizations within the country.

What are the duties of a good government?

duties of government are to ensure welfare of people of the country if the government has to be good it has to ensure equality,peace,discipline and justice in the country

What government did Napoleon overthrow?

Napoleon overthrew the revolutionary government called The Directory in the events of 18 Brumaire 1799. The Directory consisted of a 5 man 'Directorate' whom were the executive power. There was also the Council of the 500 and the Council of Ancients: checks and balances to ensure that no one party or political figure could gain supreme power. The Directory had ruled since 1795, wheh the Thermidorian Reaction had ended the Terror and the previous revolutionary government, known as the Convention. Napoleon could claim that he was the 'heir' of the Revolution, as he was the man that had the power to put the principles of Liberty, Equality and Property into practice, thus giving legitimacy to his Coup of Brumaire. Napoleon was not in fact the main instigator of the Coup; former Director Sieyes provided the main impotus and he needed military muscle to ensure things worked smoothly. Napoleon was not even the first choice of general, General Jourdan had been killed in action and General Moreau had recommended Napoloen over himself. Napoleon was deemed an acceptable candidate as Sieyes percieved that he had no political agenda, allowing Sieyes to implement his own reforms. This however, proved to be wrong, as Napoleon, demonstrating considerable political acumen, forced himself into the position of First Consul when the Constitution of Revolutionary Year VIII came into existence.

The officials in volleyball and their duties?

The duties of officials in volleyball are to enforce rules and ensure fair place. This helps to keep the sport competitive and balanced.

Who did Napoleon install to the thrones of the lands he conquered to ensure loyalty?

His brothers, brothers in law, trusted military officers.

Once the government examinations were based on the teachings of Confucius who could hold government jobs?

Yes, during the imperial examinations in China, candidates were required to have a strong knowledge of Confucian texts in order to qualify for government positions. This emphasis on Confucian teachings helped ensure that officials were well-versed in ethics, governance, and the principles of public service.