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Nations making political and military alliances was an effect of militarism.

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Q: Nations making political and military alliances was an effect of?
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What was an effect of militarism in Europe in the late 1800s?

Militarism in Europe during the 1800s brought about a glorification of the military. It also made nations more likely to form military and political alliances where none existed before.

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what was the effects sof militarism in Europe in the late 1800s

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increased exchange of ideas and goods ~KAILEN APRIL

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all of the alliances grew biger

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Many different countries building alliances and military force that when the Archduke Franz Ferdinand happened and war was declared it was like a domino effect because of all the alliances.

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Militarism- the build-up of a nation's military due to feeling threatened by another nation's military Alliances-the defense agreements among nations Imperialism-when one large, powerful nation takes control of another smaller, weaker one Nationalism-a feeling of intense loyalty to one's country or group (MAIN)

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the entente cordiale was strengthened

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Effect: Bismarck succeeded in isolating France.

What was the effect Bismarck arranged several alliances with other great powers?

Effect: Bismarck succeeded in isolating France.

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Ensured Lincoln's reelection and ended the South's last hope of achieving independence by political means.

What would happen if battle of thermopylae never happened?

Nothing would have changed, other than today we would not have an interesting story to tell. It had no military or political effect.