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Q: Navigation acts support the system of mercantilism?
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Analyze how did the navigation acts support the system of mercantilism?

Uh I think it was because black people suck. That's the answer to everything

How did the navigation acts support the system mercantilism?

The main idea behind mercantilism is that you want more exports than imports (more money coming into your country than going out of your country).

What were The Navigation Acts designed to promote?


The Navigation Acts were designed to promote?


How did navigation acts support the system of mercantalism?

by people sayin yummy lol no i rlly dont no Please don't waste our time by writing that^ Real answer from US History Book/8th Grade- To support this system of mercantilism, between 1650 and 1696 Parliament passed a series of Navigation Acts limiting colonial trade.

How did navigation acts support the idea of mercantilism?

by restricting the use of foreign shipping for trade between England and its colonies.

How did England enforce mercantilism policies in the Colonies?

Navigation Acts

How did the Navigation Acts support the system of Mercahtilism?

Black people suck

The navigation acts were part of what british policy?

The Navigation Act caused many conflicts in the American colonies which led to the repeal of the Acts in 1849.

What was the name of the british laws that restricted trade trade to and the colonies?

The Navigation Acts.

How did the navigation acts support mercantilism?

Well you should under stand it like this. People want more money so they like to do more imports than exports.

How did the navigation act the system of mercantilism?

Mercantilism requires that the colonies exclusively trade with the metropole in order to provide it the economic advantage of being the sole source of finished goods for the colonies. The Navigation Acts prevented the colonists from going to foreign ports or have foreign ships dock for trading in colonial ports in order to preserve the exclusivity required by the mercantilist system.