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physical dependence

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Q: Need to take a drug in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms is called?
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Related questions

How does substance dependence affect a person?

A substance-dependent person must have a particular dose or concentration of the substance in his or her bloodstream at any given moment in order to avoid the un-pleasant symptoms associated with withdrawal

How can withdrawal symptoms be minimized?

In order to prevent withdrawal symptoms, the dose of narcotics can be gradually diminished, a process known as tapering, until they can be discontinued completely without unpleasant effects. Individuals may also be treated with the drug cloindine.

Should you take benzyl alcohol if you are a recovering alcoholic?

Alcohol in any form should be avoided in order to avoid triggers and PAWS. Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms. Cough syrups and mouthwash containing alcohol should be avoided also. It only takes a very small amount of alcohol to get those neurotransmitters start craving and reacting.

What supplements should patient take when withdrawing from SSRI's?

There's no use of supplements. In order to avoid withdrawal syndrome, you should taper off the SSRI gradually, usually within a month.

How long after you use Oxycontin can you take suboxone?

It really depends on the individual. If you do not have a physical addiction yet to opiates and do not experience withdrawal symptoms from opiates, then it really doesn't matter. Nothing will happen because your body doesn't need the opiates that have filled your receptors (and will be kicked off those receptors by suboxone) in order to maintain normal function. You'll simply not be high at the very worst. If you are physically dependant on opiates and experience withdrawal symptoms from stopping use or from the lack of access to opiates, then you should wait until full withdrawal symptoms manifest. In some people this can be up to 24 hours or longer. Again, it is based on the individual. Taking suboxone prior to entering full withdrawal symptoms will cause Precipitated Withdrawal Syndrome and you will not only go immediately into withdrawal, it will be worse than normal withdrawals because of the sudden onset as opposed to the gradual onset. Plus you won't be able to use either opiates (unless an extreme amount is used which raises overdose and other problems) or suboxone to relieve the withdrawals for between 12 and 24 hours.

What does it mean to avoid conflict by giving in to demands?

This is called Appeasement. It means giving into commands in order to avoid a fight from someone of higher rank.

Why Valium Withdrawal Treatment?


What does term order granting withdrawal in divorce mean?

Order granting withdrawal in terms of divorce may be the judge is allowing the divorce case to be withdrawn. Your attorney can give you more details.

What was mine craft first called?

Minecraft was first called 'Cave Game'. It was then changed to 'Minecraft: Order of the Stone' but to avoid it being confused with 'Order of the Stick' it was simplified to Minecraft.

What's the difference between Roth and a 401K?

The difference between a Roth 401k and a regular 401k is that the Roth 401K is a after-tax contribution and the regular 401K is a pre-tax contribution. You pay taxes on the Roth 401K now in order to avoid taxes at withdrawal. The regular 401 is a tax credit for the year deposited with taxes paid at the time of withdrawal.

Banana leaves on maturity tear into ribbons to avoid?

In order to avoid desiccation

What does the word malinger mean?

Malinger is a intransitive verb. Malinger means to pretend to be ill, especially in order to avoid work. It is to exaggerate health problems and symptoms, relating to physical and mental illnesses.