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The Nephron is the functional unit of the Kidney which regulates blood contents NOT urine contents. It works by filtering out much of the contents of the blood from the Glomerulus into Bowmans Capsule. From here the a long tubule projects and is followed by a blood vessel (the Efferent Capillary) which reabsorbs much of the nutriens, what isn't reabsorbed goes into the Urine via a Collecting Duct. There are three parts to the nephron, the Proximal Convoluted Tubule, the Loop of Henle and the Distal Convoluted Tubule. The loop of Henle is mostly involved in the reabsorbtion of water with the use of salts. The majority of nutrients reabsorbtion takes place is the proximal convoluted tubule. It should be noted that although the nephron is very efficient (it reabsorbs 90% of the water if need be) it also reabsorbs about 50% of the urea so it is incorrect to think that it all goes straight into the urine. In short, to answer you question, most nutrients are reabsorbed in the Proximal Convoluted Tubule.

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Q: Nephron tube where nutrients are reabsorbed?
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What will happen if the nephron didn't reabsorb salt and nutrient?

The non-reabsorbed salts and nutrients would exit the Body via the urine.

When a molecule is reabsorbed from the lumen of the nephron where does it go?

The blood vessel that carries blood to the glomerulus is called the afferent vessel. But the glomerulus is not close ended nad the vessel that leaves it, called the efferent vessel, carries on beside the nephron and collects the components that are reabsorbed.

Most materials are reabsorbed from nephron tubules into surrounding blood vessels by the process known as?

Selective reabsorption

What happens to glucose which the nephron along with a filtrate?

It is reabsorbed into the blood through blood capillaries surroundings the tubule

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What happens to glucose that enters the nephron wit the filtrate?

In most cases it is reabsorbed. It there is too much, it will be "spilled" into the urine.

Why does blood contain glucose but normal urine does not?

The glucose along with a lot of other things are reabsorbed in the convolued tubules of the nephron so that it is not waisted by losing it in the urine.

What happens to glucose that enters the nephron along with filtrate?

The glucose that enters the nephron along with the filtrate get absorbed by the glomerulus goes to the proximal convoluted tubule (pct) and again reabsorbed and enters the blood.

Is the collecting duct in the nephron a tube?

Yes, a very small one.

Why do urea and ammonia levels increase after filtration occurs?

Urea and ammonia increase because water is reabsorbed from the nephron, making the urea more concentrated.

What is reabsorbed by the proximal convoluted tubule cells?

Glucose is totally reabsorbed via secondary active transport through co-transport channels driven by the sodium gradient out of the nephron

Where does most absorption take place in the kidney?

the majority occurs in the proximal convoluted tubule