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Neptunes diameter is just over four times that of Venus' diameter, and just under four times that of Earth's diameter.

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Q: Neptune has four times the diameter of what planet?
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Which planet has a diameter that is about four times the diameter of Earth?

Both Uranus' and Neptune's diameters are about four times bigger than the Earth's, but Uranus is the closest, with about 50 000 km. The Earth's diameter is 12 756 km, and 4 times bigger than that is 51 024.

What is the size of Neptune in square miles?

Neptune's diameter is about 30775.2724 miles.

How big is the Earth compared to Neptune?

Earth is small compared to Neptune

How big is Neptune compared to the sun?

Diameter: Neptune's diameter is 49,620 km, while the sun's is 1,377,648 km. So you would be able to fit 27 of them into the diameter of the sun and you would still have room for 70% of another one. Mass: So the sun is 332,946/17=19,585 times more massive than Neptune. Weight: 102.4E24 kg (17.15 times the mass of the earth) Weight of a human on Neptune: 200 lbs on Earth=225 lbs on Neptune

What is the planet that is 4 times the size of earth?

The radius of Uranus is roughly 4 times the radius of Earth. However, in volume, it would be around 43=64 times larger than Earth. Hence, There is no planet in our solar system which is four times the size of the Earth.

What is the equatorial distance of Neptune?

The planet Neptune has a deep, dense atmosphere of gases and liquids, so there is no definitive surface to measure. So the closest approximation of its "diameter" is accurate to about 30 kilometers, and is 49,528 km (30,775 miles), which is almost 4 times as wide as Earth.

What are some diferencess between earth and Neptune?

Neptune's diameter is slightly less than four times that of the Earth's Neptune has 17 times the mass If you weigh 180 pounds on Earth, you would weigh 202 pounds at Neptune's cloud tops Neptune is 30 times further from the Sun than the Earth

Is Neptune a small planet or a giant planet?

It is one of the four outer giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Are the outer planets and dwarf plants much bigger than the inner planets and dwarf planets?

Yes. The four inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars and smaller than the four outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Earth is largest inner planet, and Neptune is the smallest outer planet. Neptune is around 14 times larger in terms of diameter than the Earth. The dwarf planets are all smaller than any of the actual planets.

Are Neptune and Mercury gas planets?

Neptune is a gas planet, but mercury is not. Mercury is a rocky inner planet, one of the four terrestrial planets.

Is Neptune the largest gas planet?

No. Neptune is the smallest of the four gas giants in the solar system. Jupiter is the largest.

What first four planet do not have solid?

The four Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).