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No, .NET only runs on Microsoft platforms (Windows, XBOX, etc.)

.NET can be run on Linux&Mac with Mono. However, Mono does not provide Windows-specific libraries.

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Q: Net is platform independent
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Is Net framework platform independent?

Yes. no .net is not platform independent is supports on OS .... as is need clr for Linux to support it but till now .net platform is not independent ...

Is net a platform independent?


Is there any project that run platform independent in dot net platform?

No. The .NET framework is a Windows-specific framework.

Explain the difference between net platform and dot net framework?

.net platform supports programming languages that are .net compatible. It is the platform using which we can build and develop the applications. .net framework is the engine inside the .net platform which actually compiles and produces the executable code. .net framework contains CLR(Common Language Runtime) and FCL(Framework Class Library) using which it produces the platform independent codes.

Why java is preferred to dot net?

Java can run on any operation system(platform independent) but .net runs only under windows.

Why dotnet is not platform independent?

Microsoft's .NET framework is only officially supported for Windows platforms and makes heavy use of the Windows API. If it were platform independent, code written on one system would work on other systems.

Is platform independent or not?

ASP.NET is not a language in itself rather a web technology that uses .NET programming languages to build dynamic web sites and web applications. I suppose the question is if .NET is platform-independent? My answer would be 'currently, no'. .NET is slowly catching up but it is still way to go before it become platform independent. The framework works only on WINDOWS at present and not on other OS. I would say it is language independent. That is to say any language targeting CLR can be used to write code for applications. A new project called MONO is in works which will allow the .NET framework to be installed on LINUX but there's no official support from MS on this as of now.

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Why the .net is platform dependent?

Ya .Net is platform independent as well as dependent.Once the code is written , it is then compiled into MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) which is independent of platform, here the CLR (Common Language Runtime) comes into picture and it consists of JIT(Just In Time)compiler which is going to convert the MSIL code into platform/device specific code. So We have CLR for Windows and CLR for Linux. Here its dependent of the type of machine its running on. So its Dependent.

What is best platform net or java?

java is the best platform compared to dot net

Does net platform support backward compatibility?

Does net platform support backward compatibility?yes

Are JVM is platform independent?

No, they must be designed for specific platforms. The compiled programs are platform-independent.