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These neuroglia are called astrocytes. They play a vital role in maintaining the proper chemical balance in the extracellular space around neurons by regulating potassium levels and recycling neurotransmitters.

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Q: Neuroglia that control the chemical environment around the neurons by buffering potassium and recapturing neurotransmitters are called what?
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Explicit buffering is also known as "Zero Capacity Buffering" where it has maximum length of 0. Automatic buffering can be either "Bounded Capacity Buffering" or "Unbounded Capacity Buffering"

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I'm studying business behavior at AOU i got this answer half from the book of my course and the rest from Internet i hope you find it useful =) Buffering is a try to minimize the environmental disruption by buffering or insulating the operations function from the eternal environment -organizations use buffering in order to exercise control over the global market - secure the supply for future in case of unpredictable circumstances 13-11-2012

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What are the advantages of operation management?

I'm studying business behavior at AOU i got this answer half from the book of my course and the rest from internet i hope you find it useful =) Buffering is a try to minimize the environmental disruption by buffering or insulating the operations function from the eternal environment -organizations use buffering in order to exercise control over the global market - secure the supply for future in case of unpredictable circumstances 13-11-2012

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HCl is a strong acid so it highly disturbed the buffering process.

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In this case sodium chloride does not have any buffering role.

What is meant by the term buffering capacity?

buffering capacity is the ability to resist changes in acidity and alkalinity.