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physical movement on the part of the child.

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Q: Neuron development and elaboration which occurs between birth and age 10 is prompted by?
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The space between two neurons or between a neuron and a receptor is known as a?

A Synapse is the space between two neurons or between a neuron and a receptor organ. A single neuron can have a few, or several hundred synapses.

What bridge the gap between a neuron sending a message and the neuron receiving it?


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Structure that carries messages between the brain snd other parts of the body?

The Neuron, and in this case, a motor neuron or a sensory neuron.

what are the differences between pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neuron?

Yes. A synapse by definition is the space (gap) between one neurons terminal buton and another neurons dendrites. So, the neuron with the terminal buton end is known as the pre-synaptic neuron and the neuron after the synapse is known as the post-synaptic neuron.

Why is the synapse not a structural feature of a neuron?

Because it is a small gap between the axon of one neuron and the receiving dendrite of another neuron.

What is synapses?

A synapse is a small gap at the end of a neuron that allows information to pass from one neuron to the next.

A synapse formed between the axonal ending of one neuron and the cell body of another neuron?


What are similarities between sensory and motor neuron?

Motor neuron has got a motor.. but you have to peddle sensory neurons.

It is the membrane potential of a neuron at rest?

Yes,the membrane potential of a neuron is at rest because it is the difference in electrical charge between inside and outside a resting neuron.

What is the difference between Neuron and synapse?

A neuron is a nerve cell. A synapse is a gap between the sending and receiving neurons, where there are neurotransmitters responsible for transporting chemicals to the receiving neuron. (A neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger.)