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Q: Neurons have the ability to send signals. What particular property do they have?
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What cells have the ability to respond to stimuli by generating signals such as action potentials?

neurons and muscle cells

Neurons transmit signals acrossed a?

Neurons transmit signals across a synapse

One important difference between autonomic neurons and somatic neurons is the presence of?

Autonomic neurons control signals to and from the brain to smooth and cardiac. Whereas Somatic neurons control the signals to and from the skeletal system and brain.

What is neurons transmit signals across a?

the nucleus.

How signals transmitted through neurons?


What type of neurone carry electrical signal to the brain?

Afferent neurons (also called sensory neurons) carry signals to the central nervous system and the brain. Efferent neurons (also called motor neurons) carry signals from the brain.

What does each do?

Sensory neurons carry signals from the receptors in our body (e.g. thermal, pressure etc.) to the relay neurons, which are found in our spinal cord. Relay neurons then send signals along the spinal cord to the brain. The brain then processes the information and sends a signal back down the spinal cord, through the relay neurons. Relay neurons then sends signals to motor neurons, which will then affect the muscles' movements.Read more: What_does_neuron_cells_do

What carries information throughout the body in form of electrochemical signals called impulses?


What sensory neurons to motor neurons?

Sensory neurons (afferent neurons) send sensory signals from the body to the Central Nervous System. Their cell bodies are always found in a ganglion outside the central nervous system. Motor neurons (efferent neurons) send signals from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands of the body. Their cell bodies are always located in the central nervous system.

Where do motor neurons send their signals?

The muscles and the brain

Structure neurons that receives electrical signals?


What is a specialized cell that conducts impulses through the nervous system?

Neurons transmit and receive signals in the nervous system