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Q: Neutral organic molecular species are most soluble in?
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Why are only neutral mutations useful for molecular clocks?

Only neutral mutations are useful for molecular clocks because they accumulate in the DNA of different species at the same rate, while other mutations do not.

Why is organic compound fussed with Na for the detection of extra elements?

in the organic compounds, the extra elements are present in the covalent forms and these are the tests for ionic species, so organic compounds are fused with sodium metal to convert these elements into water soluble sodium salts (ionic species).

How do rates of mutation power molecular clocks?

The number of neutral mutations distinguishing two species enables measurement of the length of time since the species diverged from a common ancestor.

What is the molecular formula of the principal molecular or ionic species present in glucose?

It is a molecular species with the formula C6H12O6

Biologists use molecular clocks to try to measure?

Generally, a molecular clock is used to describe the rate of molecular change over time that tells you when two species, or taxa, have diverged.

Is SO a molecular or ionic solid?

Molecular. Covalently bonded between the species.

What is electrically neutral species?


What is self-ionization?

neutral species reacts with itself to form ionic species

How does molecular biology support the theory of evolution?

If you look at the gene sequences of a species, you can see a clear homology among the same species. Distantly related species wont have similarity at DNA level. Hence by knowing the molecular level information one can predict the evolution of a species.

What species have no electrons in anti bonding 2p molecular orbitals?


What role does molecular evidence play in determining how closely two species are related to each other?

the role in which molecular evidence play in determining how closely two species are related to each other is through the cladogram

What is a species that acts both an acid and a base?

Such organic species are alcohols and inorganic species include bicarbonate, bisulphate and biphosphate ions.