

Neutralization of acetic acid

Updated: 5/22/2024
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15y ago

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If you mix a base with it, it will neutralize. For vinegar, you can just put some baking soda in it. For glacial acetic, I'd probably use washing soda. That's sodium carbonate, and it's stronger than sodium bicarbonate hence would require less to do the job.

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1w ago

When acetic acid is neutralized, it reacts with a base to form water and a salt. For example, when acetic acid reacts with sodium hydroxide, water and sodium acetate are formed. The pH of the solution increases as the acidity of acetic acid is neutralized.

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What is the net ionic reaction for the neutralization of acetic acid?

The net ionic reaction for the neutralization of acetic acid is CH3COOH(aq) + OH^- ---> CH3COO^- + H2O.

How is the heat of neutralization of acetic acid different from that of HCL or H₂SO₄?

The heat of neutralization of acetic acid is usually lower than that of strong acids like HCl or H2SO4 because acetic acid is a weak acid. This is because strong acids completely dissociate in water, releasing more energy upon neutralization, whereas weak acids partially dissociate leading to a lower heat of neutralization.

What happens when 50 mL of 0.1M acetic acid with 0.1M NAOH?

A neutralization reaction will occur between acetic acid (a weak acid) and sodium hydroxide (a strong base). The acetic acid will react with the sodium hydroxide to form sodium acetate and water. This reaction will result in the consumption of both the acetic acid and sodium hydroxide, forming a salt solution.

Can ethanoic acid neutralise nitric acid?

No, ethanoic acid (acetic acid) cannot neutralize nitric acid. Nitric acid is a strong acid and acetic acid is a weak acid, so the reaction between them would not result in neutralization.

What kind of reaction is acetic acid plus potassium hydroxide?

The reaction between acetic acid and potassium hydroxide is a neutralization reaction, forming water and a salt called potassium acetate. This reaction involves the transfer of protons from the acid (acetic acid) to the base (potassium hydroxide) to produce water and the salt.

Related questions

What is the net ionic reaction for the neutralization of acetic acid?

The net ionic reaction for the neutralization of acetic acid is CH3COOH(aq) + OH^- ---> CH3COO^- + H2O.

How is the heat of neutralization of acetic acid different from that of HCL or H₂SO₄?

The heat of neutralization of acetic acid is usually lower than that of strong acids like HCl or H2SO4 because acetic acid is a weak acid. This is because strong acids completely dissociate in water, releasing more energy upon neutralization, whereas weak acids partially dissociate leading to a lower heat of neutralization.

What happens when 50 mL of 0.1M acetic acid with 0.1M NAOH?

A neutralization reaction will occur between acetic acid (a weak acid) and sodium hydroxide (a strong base). The acetic acid will react with the sodium hydroxide to form sodium acetate and water. This reaction will result in the consumption of both the acetic acid and sodium hydroxide, forming a salt solution.

What kind of chemical reaction occurs when acetic acid vinegar and sodium bicarbonate baking soda are mixed?

A neutralization reaction. Because vinegar is acetic acid, and baking soda is a base, and they neutralize each other.

Is reaction between ethanoic acid sodium hydroxide an eliminatin substitution addition or rearrangement.?

The reaction between ethanoic acid and sodium hydroxide is a neutralization reaction, in which an acid reacts with a base to form a salt and water. It is not classified as elimination, substitution, addition, or rearrangement.

Is acetic acid anything like acetic acid?

Yes, acetic acid and acetic acid are the same compound. Acetic acid is a colorless liquid organic compound also known as ethanoic acid, and its common name is vinegar when diluted in water.

What acid is in the vinegar?

Vinegar contains about 5–20% acetic acid (CH3COOH), water and flavourings.

Is Acetic acid is strong acid or base?


What is the colour of glacial acetic acid?

Pure glacial acetic acid appears colorless. However, it may sometimes appear slightly yellowish due to impurities or exposure to light.

Is acetic acid a mixture or a compound?

Acetic acid is a compound. It consists of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms chemically combined in a specific ratio (C2H4O2). It is not a mixture of different substances.

What are Carbonic acid acetic acid and phosphoric acid?

Carbonic acid is a weak acid formed when carbon dioxide dissolves in water. Acetic acid is a weak organic acid found in vinegar. Phosphoric acid is a mineral acid commonly used in soft drinks to provide a tangy flavor.

What is the word form for acetic acid?

Acetic and acid ARE words, so the word form is acetic acid!