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Q: Ninety-nine percent of what your body's supply of what mineral is found in your skeleton?
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Where does about 95 percent of the worlds opal the mineral come from?

95% of the opla supply comes from Australia.

What nutrient group supply materials for building the skeleton?


How can supply and demand of a mineral cause a mineral to become an ore?

it's not possible.

Can the classification of mineral as an ore change?

Yes! If the supply of or demand for that mineral changes.

How supply and demand of a mineral can cause a mineral to become an ore?

it's not possible.

The epidermus have no supply of?

food and mineral transports.,.

How does a plant get a supply of mineral salt?

Plants absorb mineral salts from soils and waters.

Can the classification of a mineral as an ore changed?

Yes! If the supply of or demand for that mineral changes.

What are the resources of a mineral?

The resources refers to the source of supply for the mineral. Mineral resources could be the ore, or even a material which could be recycled to retrieve the mineral's desired properties.

What is a good vitamin and mineral supply for plants?

Rich composted soil.

What percent of the US energy supply is coal?

Approximately 23% of the US energy supply comes from coal.

What intermediate would supply the carbon skeleton for synthesis of a five-carbon amino acid?

alpha ketoglutarate