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Are you having any other symptoms then that?

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Q: Nipples are really dark but pregnancy test is negative testing too early?
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Do nipples go back to normal after pregnancy?

not really. they should get lighter in color but that's about it

What is false pregnancy symptoms?

Usually a false pregnancy means that you have taken a pregnancy test and it gives you a positive reading when you are not pregnancy (which is very rare) or a negative reading when you really are pregnant.

Can signs of a UTI really be pregnancy?

Both UTI and early pregnancy can cause more frequent urination. See your health care provider for appropriate testing and treatment.

You took a pregnancy a day before your period and it came back negative Does that mean im really not pregnant?

Pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate, but being that it was negative and you got your period, I'd say you are definitely not pregnant.

Do dogs have nipples without pregnancy?

dude dog's are born with nipples even the male one's have em. and they don't loose them after the puppies are born...try this look at a human male, we have nipples yes! do they fall off after a pregnancy.....? no, and your proof is on your mother's chest......

I peed in a clean disposable cup and got a negative and a positive test result from the same urine Am I pregnant?

Looks like you will have to go for the 'best of three' tests it is possible to get a false positive and a false negative if you are testing too early. Although many tests now say they can give you a result as early as a week after conception, that really is very very early! That, or buy a more reliable pregnancy testing kit like first response or clearblue. Hope you get the answer that you want!

Does harry really have four nipples?

Yes he does :)

Do boys like it when you suck on their nipples?


The negative sign in result window was really light could it be a false negative?

Home pregnancy test can be wrong but any mark in the result window, even if very faint, is positive for pregnancy. Retake the test...the best time to test is in the morning when your urine is concentrated.

What are taut nipples?

Nipples that are really hard are referred to as being taut. They can also be called stiff or hard.

What does it mean when your nipples get larger?

vewiers really need more detail to the question but as a nurse i can say that a few reason are anemia, pregnancy, weight gain, although i dont think anemia would make your nipples larger but it could and will make the veins clearer through the skin

What causes sore nipples you are not pregnant and you cycle is not coming on nipples are always sore?

Your question doesn't really make complete sense, but if you are asking what causes sore nipples, other than pregnancy, then I have one answer. Sometimes, a week or two before my menstrual cycle, my nipples are very sore to the touch. If your cycle is not coming, it could be the result from stress. I remember being stressed so bad, my period was delayed a week and three days. So it's perfectly normal for your nipples to be sore, especially if it's close to your monthly.