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Q: Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into forms of nitrogen that living things can use.?
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What do bacteria do in nitrogen fixation?

Bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a nitrogen-containing ion that plants can absorb.

What is the relationship between the plant and bacteria in root nodules?

The nodules contain bacteria which can convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia

What are plant nodules?

they are found on the roots of plants and are grouping of bacteria that help convert atmospheric nitrogen to nitrogen plants can utilize

What do bacteria do that is helpful to plants?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria convert atmospheric N2 to organically accessable compounds. Nitrogen is an important nutrient for plants. Kevin 2012

What converts organic nitrogen into atmospheric nitrogen?

the slaves have to put it in there stew and then they eat it

What lives in the roots of leguminous plants and convert atmospheric nitrogen into plants unable form?

Rhizoobium or nitrogen fixing bacteria lives in the roots of leguminous plants.leguminous plants are not able to use atmospheric nitrogen as sush,so these bacteria convert nitrogen into simpler forms i.e nitrates and nitrits which are easily used up by these plants.

What is the purpose of legume nodules?

They are caused by a symbiotic bacteria which benefits the plant by fixing atmospheric nitrogen (which the plant needs to make proteins).

How do humans use nitrogen?

Humans use nitrogen in the form of proteins. Bacteria found in soil convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates that plants use to produce proteins.

What type of plant that has bacteria living with it that can convert to nitrogen?

Legumes (e.g peas and beans). They form symbiotic relationships with Rhizobia bacteria which fix atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates which can be used by the plant.

How do bacteria help the nitrogen cycle?

Actually nitrogen exist in the atmosphere in dinitrogen (N2) form and cannot be utilized directly. As such bacteria help in converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia which then can be used by the plants.

What kind of organism converts atmospheric nitrogen into a form that other organisms can use?

which of these organisms convert atmospheric nitrogen gas to a form that can be utilized by plants? a. bacteria b. protists c. consumers d. producers e. fungi

Why is rhizobi a helpful bacteria?

Rhizobia are known as nitrogen fixation bacteria. Nitrogen is an essential element for plants and it is plentiful in the atmosphere but in a form that is inaccessible to plants. Rhizobia can convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can uptake through their roots.