

No missed period could you still be pregnant?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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In some cases when you are first pregnant you can still menstrate but I don't know how common that is.

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Q: No missed period could you still be pregnant?
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You could be pregnant. Take a test.

Will you still be pregnant when you miss 1 month of your periods?

if you mean that you missed one period, and got the rest of them. chances are, you only missed your period due to stress.

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Answer You cannot be pregnant if you have a period. It is probably an irregular period - quite natural. Answer It could be implantation bleeding which is where the egg implants into the lining of the womb. Take a pregnancy test

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The signs of pregnancy are a missed period and/or positive pregnancy test. Take a pregnancy test to see if you're pregnant.

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yes you can get pregnant i was on depo for 3 monthes and as soon as i missed my seconde shot i got pregnant and i still had an irregular period but still concieved

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You could have gotten pregnant on your period

Could you still have a period you are pregnant?

Not normally

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Could you still be pregnant if you still are getting your period?


You were seven days late for your period could you still be pregnant?

It is possible. I suggest you take a test. Your first sings will be a missed period, swollen tender breasts, weight gain, morning sickness etc.

Your last period date was 15 and this month it has started 25 may could you still be pregnant?

No. If you still have you period, you cant be pregnant.