

Noah like anyone ealse

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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who's noah and this sentence doesn't make sence >:]

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Q: Noah like anyone ealse
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Ya_they_are_sisters_and_fight_just_like_anyone_else">Ya they are sisters and fight just like anyone else

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my name is not Noah, but my boyfriends name is noah and i really like that name so yeah:)

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noah. like Noahs Ark!

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yes noah want's to be her sister

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What was Noah's physical description?

The Bible does not say what Noah looked like. However, Noah was 'perfect in his generations'. This is true of Noah spiritually, but it also meant that Noah came from pure stock and did not inter-marry like the others did :- Gen 6:9 KJV These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.This means that Noah would probably have looked like any typical Jew today.

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Noah has brown hair and wears glasses .

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