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Non metals are poor conductors of heat and are not conductors of electricity , except for carbon , which is can conduct a little bit of electricity. Non metals are poor conductors of heat and are not conductors of electricity , except for carbon , which is can conduct a little bit of electricity.

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Q: What material does not allow light to pass through is a good conductor of heat but not a good conductor of electricity?
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A material that does allow elecriticy to flow through?

A conductor allows electricity to flow. An insulator does not.

What is coductors?

any material which allow the electricity to pass is called conductor. all matel are conductor.

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What substance doesn't allow electricity to pass through it?

a non-conductor

What is the definition of conductors and insulators?

A conductor is a material that can transfer energy efficiently and and insulator is the opposite.Conductor means something that blocks it and insulator means something that can go through itA conductor easily transfers energy in the form of electricity and/or heat, while an insulator does not easily transfer these types of energy.In electricity, a conductor is a material that can let current pass through and an insulator does not let current pass through,or rather copper is a conductor and plastic is an insulator.A insulator is something that will not allowheat/electricity to pass through it and a conductor is something that allows heat/electricity to pass through it.

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Because that's how a conductor is defined. A conductor is something that conductors electricity or "lets it go through". An insulator is something that doesn't. A semi conductor is half way between and will allow some electricity to "go through".

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What is the conductor of electricity?

Conductor of electricity are compounds that allow electricity to pass through. They are metallic and sometimes ductile and malleable. Very common is iron. The most metallic element is francium.

What do you call a material that does not let electricity pass through it?

A material that does not conduct (or allow the 'passage' of) electricity is called an "insulator".

What is a material that does not allow electricity to flow through it easily?


What is the difference between a electrical conductor and a electrical nonconductor?

Simply put an conductor is a material that lets free electrons flow through it. When free electrons are flowing that is called current. So an electrical conductor will have current pass through. Non-conductive material will not allow these electrons to flow and no electricity can be passed through. Good conductors have almost no resistance to electron flow.

How are conducters different from insulators?

A conductor will allow electricity to flow through it while an insulator will not