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Q: What is a material that does not allow electricity to flow through it easily?
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What is a material that doesn't allow charges to move through it easily?

Wood An insulator is a material that does not allow charges to move through it easily.

Does not electricity to move through it easily?

rubber would be an example of something that does not allow electricity to move through it easily

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What do you call a material that does not let electricity pass through it?

A material that does not conduct (or allow the 'passage' of) electricity is called an "insulator".

What is the material that does not allow energy to pass through it easily?

Materials that allow energy to flow easily through it are called conductors.

What do you call a material that does not allow electricity to pass through it?

An electrical "insulator".

Why does nonconductive material allow the flow of electricity?

If you mean "dis"allow the flow, it's because electrons cannot travel easily between the atoms of the material.

If a material does not allow charges to move through it easliy what is it called?

static electricity

What material doesnt allow heat to flow through easily?


What material is a condutor of electricity?

Materials that allow electricity to pass through them easily, such as metals. The best conductor is silver, but other metals such as copper and iron are also good conductors, while being a lot cheaper.

Which Properties make it difficult for electricity to pass through?

rubber would be an example of something that does not allow electricity to move through it easily

What is a condutor?

a material, such as a metal,(gold or steel for instance) that can allow electricity to pass through it.