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Q: Nonmetals that can conduct heat and electricity under some circumstances are classified as what?
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Can nonmetals conduct heat and electricity?


Nonmetals that can conduct heat and electricity?


Is the ability to conduct electricity is a property of nonmetals?


What is the difference between metals and nonmetals in regards to how they conduct electricity?

Metals generally are good conductors of electricity, and nonmetals are not.

What can conduct heat and electricity but are not the best conductors?


Minerals that are generally dull not malleable and not ductile and cannot conduct electricity are?


Are metals and nonmetals both good conductors?

no because metals conduct heat and electricity well, but nonmetals do not

What is the group of elements called that do not conduct electricity?

The group of elements that do not conduct electricity are generally called non metals.

Shiny malleable ductile and generally conduct electricity and heat are qualities of what?


Minerals that are generally dull not malleable and not ductile and cannot conduct electricity are .?


What is a substance that carries electricity under certain circumstances but not under other circumstances?

A substance that carries electricity under certain circumstances but not under others is called a semiconductor.

What are elements that conduct electricity classified as?

These elements are metals.